Youtube Web Scraper - Yoga with Adriene
Project 4
Let's pull the data about my favorite youtube channel, Yoga with Adriene Then analyze the most popular video of the channel! #pyhton
Welcome to my data analyst portfolio website,
projects from SQL, R, Python to Tableau
Let's pull the data about my favorite youtube channel, Yoga with Adriene Then analyze the most popular video of the channel! #pyhton
Let's take a look at the movie statistics of Netflix, check out which movie features correlates to it's gross earning. #Python #JupyterNotebook #Pandas #Seaborn
Bike Share business data analysis for the marketing strategy. Let's find out the different bike ride tendency between casual riders and members. #R
There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics. #MicrosoftExcel #SQL #Tableau